An Update + Random Thoughts

Hello everyone! I know I have not been updating my site in a while, and I'm sorry for that. But I have been doing things behind the scenes for the site. Since this post is just meant to be a catch-up on things, There will be multiple sections blocked off by subtitles.
Without furthur ado, let's get into the blog!

The Website

I thought that talking about the website first would make sense, since that is what you are here for (I hope). In the time where I wasn't really updating the site, I was learning HTML and CSS. This means that in the future, I won't be using a WYSIWYG editor such as FrontPage 98 when making pages for the site. I recently have been working on rewriting this website from scratch using HTML and CSS. While I still need to work on a few pages, the rewrite is looking promising. Having this site rewritten from scratch allows me to have a lot more creative freedoms when making future blog posts or pages to the site. While it's not ready for public use yet, It should come out soon. As long as I remember to actually get on Neocities to update the site.

Pride Month

As of me writing this post, Pride Month has begun.️
So in that case..

🏳️‍⚧️❤️❤️ HAPPY PRIDE MONTH TO EVERYONE!! ❤️❤️🏳️‍🌈

I am so happy to finally be myself even more online. Being able to fully express myself is such a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. And seeing other be able to express themselves as well just makes me feel real happy!

Outside Life

My life outside of the website or prepping for Pride Month hasn't really been that eventful tbh. I have tried to talk to people more, so I see as that is a plus. I'm still not talking online that often though. I don't know why though. It's just that when people online (and offline) are talking, It's hard for me to join in on the conversation. Not because what the other people are talking about being something that I can't relate to having experience with, even though it is that a lot of times, but it's just that when people are talking, I don't want to interupt conversations that they could be having. So I tend to just listen, or lurk around when it comes to online. I don't want to just listen or lurk, I wan't to converse with people, I just can't seem to determing when I can join in on the conversation.

Outside Life

To conlcude, this blog post, I thank you to the people who do read these. Even if most of the time, I'm just writing to myself. I have a Guestbook if you want to leave a message or you could leave a message on my social links as well. Thank you for taking time out of your day/evening/night to read my nonsensical ramblings.